Millennial Research: A Collection of Foundational Insights

A broad primer on Millennials, with research supporting five key insights, namely that Millennials…

1. Believe quality is king

2. Expect instant gratifcation

3. Deal in experience economy

4. Are always on, constantly connected

5. Rely heavily on the recommendations of their peers

While originally developed with the hotel industry in mind, most of the research is applicable across industries.


Millennials: Distinct in Video Consumption?

Insights from Multi-Screen Research

A primary research study to explore the distinct video viewing patterns of Millennials looking at device usage, context, multi-tasking activities, and the impact on brand health metrics. The study looked at video consumption across tablets, TV, mobile, PC and in-browser versus in-app by exposing respondents to various in-context stimuli. Results reveal which device is most effective for brand recall and persuasiveness within this influential demo.



Content Marketing Best Practices Among Millennials

Compelling content is an effective way to break through today’s cluttered digital landscape and connect with Millennials. We delved deep into understanding behaviors and attitudes specifically around content marketing by referencing more than 60 insight studies and speaking to more than 15,000 respondents aged 18-34. We’ve used these insights to determine strategic principles and successful creative tactics for marketers to create content that Millennials will engage with and share.