AIMIA Born This Way: The U.S. Millennial Loyalty Survey

In the summer of 2011, Aimia Inc. commissioned research firm Harris Interactive to conduct a survey of the Millennial consumer segment (ages 19-29 years old) in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. The survey focused on Millennial attitudes and behaviors relating to brand loyalty, data privacy, mobile and social media marketing, and rewards program participation

This report aims to present a comprehensive view of customer loyalty expectations among the next great cohort of consumer spending in the US.


Hispanic Consumers Are Key Word of Mouth Leaders in the Marketplace

Hispanic Consumers Are Key Word of Mouth Leaders in the Marketplace

Hispanic Consumers Are Key Word of Mouth Leaders in the Marketplace Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population and are making a big impact on social consumerism. According to Keller Fay’s TalkTrack® Hispanic study, Hispanic Americans average 85 weekly conversations about brands, versus 76 per week for average Americans, making them key word of mouth influencers.

American Millenials: Deciphering the Enigma Generation

The sheer size and buying power of this generation means that they’re not just future consumers, they’re a vital part of the market right now — and they have been for some time. They’re not only your customers, they are also your employees, which makes it helpful to understand how they think and what will engage them at work.

As defined for this study, Millennials embody the generation born between 1977 and 1995. There are 80 million of them, which makes their generation larger than the Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) and three times the size of Generation X (1965-1976). They make up roughly 25% of the U.S. population.