Research Bites


Traditional advertising is ineffective, and consumers are adept at avoiding ads 

  • TV advertising is skipped by 86% of viewers (Source: YouGov for Deloitte)
  • 94% of TV and 73% of online video viewers using some type of companion/distraction media (Source: YuMe)
  • Digital natives switch media 27 times an hour , or about 13 times during a standard half hour TV show. Digital immigrants switch media about 17 times an hour (Source: Innerscope Research for Time Warner)

The modern consumer is immersed in digital

  • In 2014, the average person spent over 6 hours per day online (Source: Statisa)
  • The average person checks their phone every 6.5 minutes or 150 times a day. (Source: New Relic)
  • Social is now the top Internet activity—Americans spend more time on social media than on any other major Internet activity, including email (Source: Business Intelligence via Business Insider)

Brands can win in the digital space with great content (especially if it’s user-generated)

  • Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads.  (Source: com)
  • 65% of consumers trust user-generated content more than advertisements (Source: Elon University)
  • Millennials trust user-generated content 50% more than other media (Source: Ipsos and CrowdTap)

But the competition is stiff…

  • During an average mobile browsing session, Millennials encounter a consumption decision every 2.5 seconds (Questus Ad Impression Study)
  • Millennials encounter 1.64 consumer decisions per secondon social media (Questus Ad Impression Study)

…So you have to get it right, fast. 

  • Users will judge a website’s aesthetic beauty and perceived functionality in 1/20th – 1/50th of a second (Source: Google & University of Basel via The Next Web, and Conversion XL)

Content Marketing

  • Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads.  (Source:

  • 62% of Millennials say that online content makes them feel more connected to a brand (Source: AdWeek)

  • Content marketing  will be a $313 billion industry by 2019 (from $145 billion in 2014). (Source: PQ Media via Marketing Mag)

  • 41% of Millennials said that the primary reason they abandon a piece of content is that it’s too long (Source: AdWeek)

  • Content marketing has seen double digit growth for the past six consecutive years (Source: PQ Media via Marketing Mag)

  • Adspend on native advertising is expected to double in the next three years (from $4.3 billion to $8.8 billion, eMarketer)

Mobile Statistics:

  • The average person checks their phone every 6.5 minutes or 150 times a day. (Source: New Relic)
  • 56% of online content is now consumed via smartphones (44%) and tablets (12%), while just 44% is consumed on desktop computers (Source: ComScore & Millennial Media via ACI)

  • 1% of all US advertising spending is on mobile platforms, compared to 43% for TV and 29% for print (Source: Business Insider via TopRank Marketing)  

  • Interest in responsive design has quadrupled in the last three years, from 2012 to 2015 (Google Trends)

  • 80-90% of all downloaded apps are used once and then eventually deleted by users. (Source: Compuware)
  • Over two-thirds of cell phone owners find themselves checking their phones for messages, alerts or calls even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating. (Source: Pew Internet)
  • 72% of consumers ages 20-40 use mobile devices while in-store to compare prices. (Source: Accenture)
  • There are more than 1.5 million apps in market, of which only 40% have been downloaded once or more. (Source: NY Daily News)

Ad Preferences and Avoidance:

  • 78% of US internet users accessed second screens during shows (Source: Millward Brown Digital via eMarketer)
  • Recommendations from people they know are nearly 3 times more trusted than online banner ads (Source: Nielsen)
  • 92% of consumers trust earned media (recommendations from friends and family) above all other forms of advertising. (Source: Nielsen)
  • 92% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company that makes use of social media channels. (Source: Accenture)
  • Only 33% of consumers believe the messages in online banner ads. (Source: Nielsen)
  • 66% of social network users will ignore an ad when they see it (Source: Mintel)
  • 36% of consumers actually trust sponsored ads on social network sites. (Source: Nielsen)
  • You are more likely to survive a plane crash than click a banner ad (Source: Solve Media)
  • 86% of television viewers always skip through advertisements on a digital video recorder (Source: YouGov)
  • 63% of TV impressions were avoided simply by not paying attention to the screen (Source: IPG Media Labs
  • Online ads had 1.8 times aided and 1.5 times unaided recall as TV video ads (Source: IPG Media Labs)
  •  41% of tablet owners and 38% of smartphone owners use their device daily while watching TV. (Source: Brandwatch)

Social Media

  • Millennials account for over 7  in 10 Snapchat users (Source: Emarketer)
  • J. Crew found that customers who engage with them via social media generally spent approximately 2x more than the average J.Crew customer (Source: TrackMaven).
  • More engagement=more sales: conversion rate correlates strongly with time on site (r=.761) and pages per visit (r=.779)(Source: Two Octobers)
  • Social is now the top Internet activity—Americans spend more time on social media than on any other major Internet activity, including email (Source: Business Intelligence via Business Insider)

  • More than 50% of people ages 25-34 say they use social media in the office. (Source: Brandwatch)
  • 93% of US adult Internet users are on Facebook (Source: The Social Skinny)
  • More than 300 million active users log on to Facebook each day (Source: KISSmetrics)


  • More smartphones are activated each day than babies born. (Source: New Relic)
  • 32% of Millennials (18-24) use social networking in the bathroom (Source: Nielsen)
  • 1 in 3 smartphone owners would rather give up sex than their phones. (Source: Pew Research)
  • 67% of cell phone owners find themselves checking their phone for messages, alerts or calls even when it doesn’t actually go off. (Source: Pew Internet)